Filip 22 months and 18 days | FAMILY KEEPSAKE FILM

Today, I would like to share a Family Film and a few shots from a very natural, casual family session 🙂 Keepsake film , just to capture family emotions and show a family relationship 🙂 Simple every day life. Thank you for your trust.

It is always such an honour being able to capture this beautiful family. I spend a few hours with them and I have witnessed the ordinary everyday life, beautiful moments that every parent want to remember for as long as possible. Naps, playing with a child or a trip to the park. It was so great to capture Filip's facial expression and laughter that will change so quickly.

I made this family movie a few weeks before little Filip became an older brother. Still tiny and the only child. Children grow so fast every day and we don't even notice it. Imagine that this sweet little boy will soon be an older brother. His little hands will soon embrace his younger sister. He will be an amazing Big Brother. 

And here are few family photos

If you would like to book a family session or family film with me, please let me know I am happy to answer all questions you may have.

Be well and I hope to hear from you soon.

Dorota xxx

Disclaimer: Please note that the Covid-19 situation is dynamic and unpredictable. Please, always respect the latest government safety guidelines when planning.